Enterprise Power. Consumer Simplicity.
Store your data locally and access it from anywhere with this smart personal cloud device. With third-party apps you can do even more.
Bring the Cloud Back Down to Earth
AmberPRO gives you the power of the cloud without the headaches. It allows you to securely backup, access, and share your data without a subscription. It is unlike anything else with built-in WiFi routing and third-party app support available via Docker.

Amber App Store
Grâce à l'App Store d'AmberPRO, les utilisateurs d'Amber peuvent installer facilement des applications Docker en un seul clic.
Installation en un clic de nombreuses applications Docker.
Tout le monde peut installer l'application Docker, même les utilisateurs occasionnels.
Les partenaires peuvent créer leurs propres applications sur AmberPRO.

Amber Anywhere
Avec une URL publique fournie par Amber Anywhere, vous pouvez accéder à Docker App sur votre Amber depuis n'importe où.
Sans souci - Aucune configuration du réseau local n'est nécessaire.
Éliminez la DMZ, le DNS et la redirection de port.
Connectez AmberPRO comme un serveur Smart Home avec un tunnel sécurisé.

Assistance Anywhere
L'assistance à distance en toute simplicité. AmberPRO permet à nos partenaires de fournir facilement des services d'assistance technique depuis n'importe où.
La confidentialité avant tout : Aucun accès aux dossiers de données des utilisateurs d'Amber.
Accès à distance basé sur les permissions avec suivi.
Portail de connexion sécurisé avec authentification.
Panneau de contrôle d'accès avec un historique du journal.
Voir les réglages pour une protection sans faille.
More than Storage
With our App Store and the ability to load any app using Docker, the possibilities are endless. Here are just a few of those possibilities:
Why AmberPRO ?
✔️True Hybrid Cloud
Amber devices are attached to MyAmber Cloud witout exposing to public internet.
✔️Secure & Private
Remote access to Amber is done by Amber iX app with secure private connection.
✔️Unlimited Expansion
With third-party apps you can do even more with AmberPRO.
MyAmber Cloud
Without exposing your Amber devices directly to the public Internet,
MyAmber Cloud helps you acccess your Amber devices from anywhere and share content with anyone.
✔Amber + MyAmber Cloud
Hassel-free Cloud-attached smart storage
✔ Hassel-free hybrid cloud
Amber devices are protected by MyAmber Cloud from ransomware attacks via the public internet.
✔ Secure & Private connection
Easy-to-use Amber iX apps provide a secure and private connection to your Amber without network settings.
✔ Smart AI without public clouds
Grouping and sorting photos with Smart AI provided by your Amber, not by the public clouds.
✔ AmberPRO with Amber Anywhere
AmberPRO can install containerized apps with hassle-free cloud-like services by Amber Anywhere.
✘Legacy NAS with remote access
Network-attached storage connected to public internet
✗Local storage connected to internet
Internet ransomware attacks are on the rise, NAS users need to configure the firewall on the gateway properly.
✗Public web access to legacy NAS
Web portal to access legacy NAS is convenient, but it increases the vulnerability of internet attacks as well.
✗Cloud relay for connection only
Legacy NAS is using a cloud relay service for remote access without cloud space. No remote backup.
✗Add-on Packages add-on risks
Third-party packages are not easy to be managed by non-tech users to prevent attacks from the internet.
Choose your AmberPRO
Amber One - AmberPRO 2TB
(inc. NL VAT 21%)
Home Cloud Server
- 2 TB HDD (1TB *2)
- Amber OS + AmberPRO
- processeur Intel Dual-Core
- Built-in Router avec Dual Band WiFi
Amber Plus - AmberPRO 4TB
(inc. NL VAT 21%)
- Home Cloud Server
- 4 TB HDD (2TB*2)
Amber OS + AmberPRO
- Intel Dual-Core CPU
- Built-in Router avec Dual Band WiFi