Latticework B.V., Amber van Latticework What are Artificial Intelligence and Face Recognition and why are they useful in Backups Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Face Recognition Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as the ability of a machine to exhibit human capabilities: these include reasoning, creativity, learning and p... nov. 7, 2022
Latticework B.V., Amber van Latticework Amber X: how does it work and its technical features. What is Amber X? Amber X is a personal cloud device designed and produced by Latticework. First, we need to understand what a personal cloud is: it is a device that is a hybrid between a cloud, an onl... okt. 31, 2022
Latticework B.V., Amber van Latticework What is a NAS, and what are the differences with Amber? What is a NAS: pros, cons and limits. NAS is the acronym that stands for Network-Attached-Storage: it is a storage device in which you can store and manage files of all kinds: photos, videos, music an... okt. 24, 2022
Latticework B.V., Amber van Latticework Which are the differences between Amber and a normal hard disk? What is an external hard drive, how does it work and its capacity. An external hard drive or removable hard drive is a storage unit of memory defined as external because it connects by cable to anothe... okt. 17, 2022
Latticework B.V., Amber van Latticework How to easily back up your Camera Roll with Amber from LatticeWork What is a backup, and why is it useful? A backup consists of duplicating files (photos, documents etc.) and saving a copy in a different place than the original one. Backing up your data is important ... okt. 10, 2022
Latticework B.V., Admin van Latticework Amber X review in Italië Amber X - Once and for all "Een op het LAN aan te sluiten schijf die overal toegang tot de bestanden geeft, hetzij vanaf een PC, hetzij vanaf een telefoon" - dit is de samenvatting van dit overzicht, ... jul. 12, 2022
Latticework B.V., Amber van Latticework Amber X Review door Johan - Solutions Digitales De Franse YouTuber Johan van het kanaal Johan - Solutions Digitales publiceerde begin mei een complete review van de Amber X. Hij was totaal veroverd door de mogelijkheden van dit kleine zwarte vierka... mei 23, 2022 Amber X Review door Hugo Medeiros " Een private cloud zonder maandelijkse kosten " De Portugese YouTuber Hugo Medeiros van het gelijknamige kanaal heeft begin maart een review van de Amber X gepubliceerd waarin hij de kracht en mogeli... apr. 13, 2022